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How to Get Rid of a Tooth Abscess

Home remedies for tooth abscess – A tooth abscess occurs when there is a bacterial invasion within the pulp chamber of a tooth.

The pain from the abscessed tooth can be throbbing but typically a different type of pain when compared to a normal toothache. In the case of an abscess the pain will be persistent and throbbing.

What can be done when sudden excruciating pain is felt and there may not be a dentist available?

The pain from the abscessed tooth can be relieved by some simple home remedies. Saying that, home remedies can help in relieving the adverse symptoms temporarily, but it cannot heal the abscess. Again, I would like to stress the point that a visit to the Dentist will eventually be required. An untreated abscess can gradually spread to the other parts of the face and eyes if not treated.

Home remedies for tooth abscess

Home Remedies For Tooth Abscess

1) Saltwater rinse:

A saltwater rinse is an easy and affordable remedy that helps in healing the wound formed from an abscess. It is also useful in maintaining the health of your gums.Temporary relief in the abscessed tooth can be achieved by rinsing the mouth with saltwater.

The rinse can be easily prepared at home by mixing ½ teaspoon of table salt to ½ glass of warm tap water. Swishing this around inside the mouth for about 2 minutes and spitting out, can help in calming the pain. This can be repeated 3 times/day. This remedy is helpful even when you are under the treatment by your dentist.

2) Baking soda:

Another useful thing for relieving the symptoms, easily available in your kitchen, is baking soda. It has excellent properties of removing plaque in the mouth. Also, it is supposed to have antibacterial properties.

It can be used by mixing a ½ tablespoon of baking soda with salt water rinse mixture.

This mixture is swished for 5 minutes in the mouth, repeat till the mixture finishes.

This can be repeated two-three times/day.

3) Peppermint tea bags:

It is claimed that cool peppermint tea bags when placed wet on the area of abscess relieves the pain. It is possible that the cold temperature of the bags soothes the pain, otherwise it does not show any antibacterial or healing properties. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there isn't much evidence that can claim that peppermint tea is helpful in any condition. You can try this remedy at home if you have tea bags at home, but you should not rely on it for treating your abscess.

4) Fenugreek tea:

It has antibacterial properties.

It is has been known remedy for healing wounds and reducing the associated inflammation.


Ground fenugreek is used to make the tea by heating 1 cup of water in a pan and stirring in 1 teaspoon of fenugreek. After the mixture cools, apply a small amount with a cotton ball on the affected area.

5) Cold compress:

Placing ice cubes in a dry towel or using a cool pack to compress it against the affected area helps in reducing pain and swelling. It is suggested to compress for 15 minute intervals.

Caution: Never use hot compress in the area of abscess or infection, it worsens the condition. Some people by mistake use hot compress instead of the cold compress, which is extremely wrong thing to follow.

6) Essential oils:

Oregano essential oil and clove essential oil have been used since ancient times as natural remedies for tooth infections. Oregano and clove oil have antibacterial/antioxidant properties as well as anti-inflammatory properties. They help in reducing pain and swelling related to the abscessed tooth. Thyme essential oil is also used which is said to kill parasites and has other similar properties.

Use: They come in a diluted form and also in a concentrated form. If concentrated, they need to be diluted by being mixed with the carrier oil. Mix a few drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil. This diluted mixture is then applied to the affected area with the help of cotton. Hold the cotton for a few minutes, let the mixture work for 10 minutes and then rinse.

They can also be used as a mouthwash by adding a few drops of these into a small glass of water.

These can be used up to three times/day.

Caution: It has been noted by the National Institute of Health that if a lot of clove oil is ingested accidently, it could lead to a visit to the emergency room. Symptoms of swallowing too much clove oil include: shallow breathing, a burning throat, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness.

7)Hydrogen Peroxide:

Hydrogen Peroxide  is considered an excellent remedy for fighting against bacterial infection, and for reducing plaque and bleeding gums.

Use: Swish the solution in your mouth that is formed by mixing equal parts of 3% of H2O2 with water. Then spit.  This can be used multiple times in a day.

Caution: Take care that you do not swallow the solution by mistake.


Since ancient times garlic is believed to have many beneficial therapeutic effects; it helps in managing pain and it is also bactericidal.

Use: Paste can be prepared from the fresh cloves of garlic. This paste is rubbed on the infected area to get relief from the irritating symptoms. This can be repeated multiple times per day.

9) Oil Pulling:

This too is an ancient method of treating different mouth ailments.

It is helpful in the removal of toxins from the teeth and gums.

Some studies have shown that it is a good treatment for bleeding gums, bad breath and reducing bacteria.

Suitable oils for this method are: raw coconut oil, sesame oil, and olive oil.

Use: It works best when used with an empty stomach.

1 tablespoon of chosen oil is taken into the mouth and then swished vigorously around the teeth for about 20 minutes. After swishing, spit it in the garbage can. Avoid spitting in the sink as it can clog the pipes.

10) Alcohol: Do not use Alcohol.

Although it is popular, it is an ineffective home remedy. People tend to soak some alcohol in the cotton swab and apply the same to the abscessed area. Alcohol may temporarily numb the pain, but it does not remove the infection. The result will be temporary relief. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that the use of alcohol as a pain killer can be extremely dangerous, as the amount of alcohol needed to get numbing effects is often very high. So better to avoid this remedy.

These are some of the remedies that can be used at home to get relief from painful symptoms of abscessed teeth. Although, if each option has its advantages, there are some disadvantages also associated. Therefore, it is better to use every option after gaining a thorough understanding and just for getting temporary relief. After which always have a visit to a nearby dentist as soon as possible.

How to Get Rid of a Tooth Abscess
