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How Long Can You Keep Blue Cheese Dressing

I'm a freelance writer by day and jewelry maker by night. I also love blue cheese.

There are all kinds of blue cheeses. Find the right one for you.

There are all kinds of blue cheeses. Find the right one for you.

Who Likes Blue Cheese?

There's no doubt about it: Blue cheese—also known as "bleu cheese"—is not for everyone. With its bold, sharp, and tangy flavor, this cheese may be an acquired taste for a discriminating palate.

I grew up eating blue cheese, always Roquefort, as it was my grandmother's favorite. Some of my fondest memories were the "cheese and crackers hour" as I described it (the grown-ups referred to it as the "wine and cheese" hour). Sometime around 5:00 p.m., Grandma would set out an assortment of cheeses, from the bold (for the older generation) to the mild (for the youngsters). My cousins and siblings would be digging into cheddar or Swiss while I was heaping mounds of Roquefort on top of the Carr crackers.

As a youngster, I thought all blue cheese was called "Roquefort." We even had Roquefort salad dressing, by golly. It wasn't until my teens that I learned there is a wide variety of blue cheeses, and they're not all made in France.

Here's a sneak peek of what this article will cover:

  • What makes blue cheese "blue"
  • Danish Blue
  • Gorgonzola
  • Maytag
  • Stilton
  • Roquefort
  • How to select blue cheeses
  • How to ensure it's fresh
  • How to store it
  • Where to buy it
Roquefort cheese... YUM!

Roquefort cheese... YUM!

What Makes Bleu Cheese "Blue"?

I'm relatively certain if my grandmother taught me why this cheese is blue, it would have ended my love affair quite abruptly. Fortunately, she kept that a secret from me, and it was something I came to learn on my own when I was old enough to handle it.

People theorize blue cheese was a serendipitous discovery, and stories abound as to how this coveted food came into being. A popular legend has it that a young shepherd, caring for his sheep in the hills of Roquefort, France, spotted a beautiful maiden far off in the distance while having his lunch. He hastily turned his sheep over to the care of his dog dashed to the closest cave to leave his lunch of bread and ewe's milk curds in a safe, cool place. He ran as quickly as he could to chase after this fair lass.

He searched tirelessly for days but alas, he could not find her. Exhausted, despondent, and starving, he returned to the caves where he'd placed his lunch. He was taken aback when he saw his bread and cheese had grown quite moldy. However, hunger overtook the shepherd, and he ate his old, moldy lunch anyway. He was pleasantly surprised by the delicious flavor! And so it's said this was the birth of Roquefort cheese.

Whether you choose to believe this legend or not, blue cheese is ancient. At the start, cheeses were aged in caves, and if just the right conditions existed, certain strains of a mold called Penicillium grew. As is evident by the name, this mold is a cousin to the penicillin antibiotic we're all familiar with.

The cheese is given its characteristic appearance by the streaks of the Penicillium culture. The cultures are injected either into the curds or into the formed cheese: Penicillium won't grow properly unless it has oxygen, so the cheese is pierced with pins and air is intentionally blown into it, giving it that desirable crumb-like texture.


  • It's advised that you avoid eating blue cheese if you are allergic to penicillin.
  • It's ill-advised to consume any unpasteurized foods during pregnancy as they may lead to foodborne illness.

Types of Blue Cheese and How They're Made

My list contains blue cheeses that are popular, readily available, and sure to please a variety of tastes.

Danish Blue Cheese

Danish Blue Cheese

Danish Blue (Danablu)

  • This cheese was created in the early 20th century by a Danish cheese maker by the name of Marius Boel. This was his attempt to mimic the ever-popular Roquefort cheese in terms of appearance, flavor, texture, and taste.
  • Danish Blue is a semi-soft, creamy cheese made from cow's milk.
  • Compared to the powerful flavor of a Roquefort, this is considered a mild blue cheese.
  • It's commonly sold in wedges, drums, or blocks.
  • The needling process takes place in the curd phase, and Penicillium Roqueforti is inserted evenly into the deep channels.
  • Traditionally, the cheese is aged in a cave or another dark, damp environment for 8 to 12 weeks.
Gorgonzola Blue Cheese

Gorgonzola Blue Cheese


  • As the name may suggest, gorgonzola is an Italian cheese made from either goat's or unskimmed cow's milk or a combination of the two.
  • The texture of gorgonzola varies from soft and crumbly to firm.
  • This cheese has been around since the Middle Ages, but it wasn't until the 11th century that it started getting infused with Penicillin glaucum and thereby gained the distinction as a blue cheese.
  • Gorgonzola is a small Italian city just outside of Milan. This cheese is now made in the regions of Lombardy and Piedmont and infused with lactic acid bacteria as well as the traditional Penicillin glaucum.
  • Recently, the use of Penicillium roqueforti has become widespread.

How It's Made

Gorgonzola is made by first warming the milk with the lactic acid bacteria along with the mold spores so that it separates into curds. These curds are then injected further with the mold and channels are created with rods to encourage mold spore germination, giving it that ideal bluish-green veining. This cheese is aged at low temperatures for various lengths of time (usually between 3 to 4 months), depending upon the desired consistency of the cheese. The longer the cheese is aged, the firmer it will be.

Read More From Delishably

Maytag Blue Cheese

Maytag Blue Cheese


Hey, go figure... there's an American cheese on my list!

  • This cheese gets its name from the farm where it's produced, Maytag Dairy Farms, located just outside of Newton, Iowa, the former home of the famous multi-billion dollar appliance corporation, Maytag.
  • In 1941, the grandsons of Maytag's founder began to make cheese. They wanted to make cheese that was comparable to the almighty Roquefort.
  • The Maytag cheese process was discovered and patented by two Iowa State University microbiologists.

How It's Made

The process begins by separating the cream from the milk, homogenizing it, and adding it back to the original milk that's been skimmed. Precise temperatures are used for this delicate process. The milk is then ripened for a time before rennet is added. Rennet is enzymes that coagulate milk and separate the curds from the whey. The resulting product is heated, Penicillium is added, the rounds of cheese are hand-formed, and off it goes to age in highly specialized and controlled caves that combine cool temperatures with high humidity. To this day, they only use fresh Iowa farm milk.

Stilton Blue Cheese

Stilton Blue Cheese


  • Stilton is an English cheese that is sometimes referred to as the "King of Cheeses," although I'm sure some of the other blue cheeses on my list would beg to differ!
  • Stilton has a protected origin designation, meaning any cheese labeled as "Stilton" must meet a particular set of standards. All protected origin cheeses are monitored by independent government agencies that perform random quality checks.
  • To be a Stilton cheese means it must be made in Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, or Derbyshire in England, where only seven dairies are licensed to make it. Pretty hoity-toity, huh?
  • Stilton is always cylindrically-shaped and never pressed.
  • It has its own unique crust and the blue veins radiate out from the center in a very distinctive pattern.

How It's Made

Stilton is made from pasteurized milk mixed with rennet and, of course, Penicillium roqueforti for the mold. Curds form in huge vats, which are removed and set out to drain overnight. After this draining process, the curds are further cut to drain out any remaining whey, salted, and put in their cylindrical molds. The molds are never pressed, but rather rotated regularly as the cheese ripens. This results in a loose texture for optimal mold culture germination. The blue veins are created by piercing the cheese with stainless steel needles all the way to the core. The whole process takes approximately 9 weeks.

Roquefort Cheese

Roquefort Cheese

How do you govern a nation that has 246 varieties of cheese?

— Charles de Gaulle


Of course, the number of cheeses produced in France has grown significantly since Charles de Gaulle's infamous complaint!

Finally, we've arrived at the almighty, revered Roquefort.

Like Stilton, it has a protected designation of origin. All Roquefort is made from the milk of the Lacaune, Manech, and Basco Bearnaise sheep. Only cheese aged in the Combalou caves in Roquefort-Sur-Soulzon may be labeled "Roquefort." Penicillium roqueforti can only be found in these same caves.

How It's Made

Within 48 hours of milking, the rennet is added to the ewe's milk. It's then heated and placed into large vats, where it's allowed to ferment into curds. The curds are then carefully cut into cubes, drained, and salted. It then remains at the dairy for a few days until it's transferred to the caves. Just before entering the caves, the cheese is thoroughly pierced to encourage fungal growth. The soon-to-be blue cheese is then left in the caves for a few weeks to allow the spore growth. The loaves are then wrapped and aged for another 3 to 10 months.

Creamy, crumbly blue cheeses, like this Danish Blue, will have the strongest flavors.

Creamy, crumbly blue cheeses, like this Danish Blue, will have the strongest flavors.

How to Select Blue Cheese

There are people who avoid blue cheese because of its reputation for having a very pungent odor and distinctively strong flavor. However, not all blue cheeses are alike: Some are surprisingly mild. As a general rule, the soft and creamy blue cheeses have less of the strong punch the firmer cheeses have. The crumbly cheeses will be the strongest and the hard cheeses are somewhere in the middle. From the list above, here are some appropriate classifications for your discerning palate:

Mildest Blue Cheeses

Gorgonzola and Danish Blue will have the mildest flavors.

Moderately Strong Blue Cheeses

Stilton, a hard cheese, takes second place here in terms of pungent flavor. Just so you know, the rind is edible, but not particularly tasty to some individuals.

Strongest Blue Cheeses

The creamy, crumbly blue cheeses are going to be the strongest. Roquefort is definitely the winner in the strong blue cheese category. It has a distinctive bite and aroma no matter how you slice it. This may not be appropriate for the novice blue cheese consumer, unless, of course, you're me! Maytag is crumbly and literally melts in your mouth. It takes second place on my list due to its spicy bite and tangy flavor.

a selection of cheeses

a selection of cheeses

How to Ensure It's Fresh

Test With Your Nose

  • Avoid cheese that's developed a lot of white mold on the rind: This can be an indication of improper handling.
  • Let your nose be your guide! Soft cheese has a meaty smell to it, and should never have an ammonia smell.
  • The creamy and crumbly types of cheese have an almost herbal smell: Some say they smell a bit like grass. They will have a pungent odor, but again, if they smell like ammonia, steer clear.
  • A firm blue cheese will have a nutty or smoky smell and should never have a strong, gamey odor.

Of course, some of us are more smell-impaired than others, so you will also want to use visual cues.

Visual Test

  • If you find the cheese is growing different colors of mold, its texture is changing, or it's just looking different from how it did when you originally got it, then it's best to throw it away.

How Long Does Blue Cheese Keep?

The softer blue cheeses should be eaten within a week after opening. The harder cheeses last longer, more like 2-3 weeks. Of course, there's always the "best if used before" dates on the package.

How to Properly Store It

Any firm blue cheese, like Stilton, should be first wrapped in wax paper, then sealed in an airtight plastic bag and placed in your refrigerator's cheese drawer. All other non-firm blue cheeses should simply be placed in an airtight plastic container with a few holes poked into the lid to avoid excessive moisture. Place these in your fridge's cheese drawer.

Blue cheeses are best enjoyed at room temperature, so allow them to sit for a while before serving.

Where to Buy Quality Cheese

  • Some farmer's markets have an excellent selection of blue cheeses.
  • Gourmet food stores and specialty stores also have a wide assortment. One advantage of buying cheese in person is the opportunity to sample before you buy.
  • Of course, the largest selection available is the blue cheese that's sold online. Many dairies have their own websites, Maytag Dairy Farms is a great example.


  • Cook's Thesaurus: Blue Cheese
    Gives synonyms, equivalents, and substitutions for different kinds of blue cheeses.

yourwebclient on December 03, 2019:

What kind of "strong" are you referring to with strong blue cheese? "Mustiness"? Aftertaste? If you want one that is strong in the sense of sharpness, that really has a bite, and stings the tongue slightly like good strong old-fashioned buttermilk that I tried 4-5 decades ago had, I haven't found anything better than Cabrales. It's impossible to convey the intensity and sharpness of Cabrales if you haven't tasted it. It is not a creamy blue cheese. More crumbly but not super-crumbly. The oils give it a smoothness that compliments the crumbliness. It's probably stronger than most people prefer for a blue cheese, in terms of sharpness, although it remains a very well-known and popular cheese, especially in some regions. It's not sharp in the sense of burning the tongue like hot peppers. It has a sting that builds slightly if you keep eating it to the degree that the cheese fats build up on the tongue and linger in the taste buds.

My local store used to stock it. But whenever I ask people for a sharp blue cheese, they recommend all kinds of blue cheese, including Gorgonzola Picante and Stilton, which unfortunately don't even come close. Nothing comes close that I've tried. I've even gone as far as to buy Cabrales online, although paying to ship cheese which has to be cold, is not cheap. But since it keeps for a year, buying a couple of pounds or a wheel and storing it in an airtight ontainer might be the way to go.

To me one of the benefits of blue cheese is the penicillin culture, particularly Penicillin Roequeforte. And regarding the penicillin Cabrales, grown in caves in Spain is the most veined and by appearance (bluest), and flavor, anyway, *seems* to be the most culture-rich and medicinal. That is just an assumption on my part. I would love to know what alternatives in terms of sharpness there are to Cabrales just to increase options.

Mike M on April 14, 2018:

In this article you say that Danish bleu is one of the strongest tasting blue cheeses and you also say that Danish bleu is one of the mildest blue cheeses. Which is it?

Craig Cunningham on October 14, 2017:

I Love Danish Blue ,She who must be obeyed wont kiss me after it.She for some reasons thinks it stinks!Sant Agur nice too as is Stilton,Yorkshire Blue,and Shropshire Blue.

Jeff on June 26, 2017:

Maytag has been shut down for many months, due to Listeria being found in their cheese by the Iowa Dept of Ag. They have totally rebuilt their facility. The first new batch is due to ship in late summer, 2017. I have not found a satisfactory substitute and look forward to having my Maytag again.

Jalal Aslam Ali on August 17, 2016:

I make my own blue cheeses - Shropshire Blue, Gorgonzola Dolce, Stilton, Roquefort.

I have to have about an ounce of blue every morning for breakfast.

I suspect I have a blue cheese addiction and I can't imagine going without it for more than a couple of days.

Mike Shaw on March 11, 2016:

Bleu des Causses from the Roquefort region made from cow's milk.

Tastier and stronger than Roquefort.

brownieheaven on January 29, 2013:

wow look so delicious .. i wanna try that soon

kevin on April 01, 2012:

thank you for this very informative post, I will be trying these cheeses soon

BigfatreddawgMary on March 03, 2012:

My father sliced a thin piece of fruitcake (the kind you eat in England) and then placed a thin slice of Roquefort on top of it. It would be in the shape of a toast soldier, so not huge. I have loved blue cheese ever since :) I eat all kinds of blue cheese, in fact all kinds of cheese....yum!

NMLady from New Mexico & Arizona on November 07, 2011:

we looooove cheeses!


Nancy McClintock from Southeast USA on November 07, 2011:

my family loves cheese but I am always at a loss when I go shopping. Thanks so much for the tips. I will be revisiting often!!!

Paige Masters (author) on August 29, 2011:

Too funny, Hyphenbird. I completely understand! I was miserable when I wrote the hub. Enjoy your Stilton!

Brenda Barnes from America-Broken But Still Beautiful on August 26, 2011:

I have been miserable ever since I read this Hub. And now I just shelled out $16.00 for a nice block of Stilton and have no regrets. Now I am smiling. Just thought you might like to know. laugh

Paige Masters (author) on August 23, 2011:

Thanks everyone! I missed the day this was chosen hub of the day. I appreciate all the comments and I'm flattered this hub got chosen.

Catherine Simmons from Mission BC Canada on August 21, 2011:

Great hub! Love the pictures :-)

Although I'm from Derbyshire I still like Danish Blue the best. My Dad also loves blue cheese and is allergic to penicillin-luckily he has no reaction to foods.

Cloverleaf from Calgary, AB, Canada on August 21, 2011:

Paige Masters, congratulations on Hub of the Day! I love most kinds of blue cheese my favourite has to be stilton. Being originally from the UK is was almost a "staple" in my family - we especially used to eat a lot of it at Christmastime.

Voted up/interesting


serenityh from Morgantown, WV on August 21, 2011:

Very good information. I agree with you that Blue cheese is not for everyone. It's certainly not for me. But I still think that this hub is interesting nonetheless.

cardelean from Michigan on August 21, 2011:

I LOVE blue cheese. I've tried many different types and never really knew the difference. I learned a lot from this hub. Thanks for the great tutorial and congrats on your hub of the day!

Linda Lum from Washington State, USA on August 21, 2011:

Excellent hub--informative, well-written, well illustrated, and with a bit of humor too. You've set the bar pretty high for the rest of us. Great job!

stacirenae89 on August 21, 2011:

Great Hub! Very informative. I love cheese and this was excellent advise. Thank you so much.

Wendy Iturrizaga from France on August 21, 2011:

I love Roquefort, whether it is on crackers, a fresh baguette, a salad dressing, a pasta sauce or as a filling for dates and figs... yummy!!!

The Bleu d'Auvergne is rather good as well, less strong but milder; for spreading Le bleu de Bresse is also very tasty.

Carrie Smith from Dallas, Texas on August 21, 2011:

Congrats on being the Hub of the Day! Very well deserved. This is a fabulous article filled with detailed information on the subject. Makes me want to go out and buy some blue cheese.

Thanks for sharing - voted up!

JS Matthew from Massachusetts, USA on August 21, 2011:

Congratulations for being selected for the Hub of the Day!

This is an awesome Hub that is well researched and perfectly executed. I learned a lot here and have to admit that I love Blue Cheese. I never realized that there were so many different kinds! Great job. Voting up and sharing!


Elizabeth Hong from Dallas, Texas on August 21, 2011:

Thank you for the wonderful post.

bluebird on August 21, 2011:

That reminds me, I need to buy some blue cheese!

J Burgraff on August 21, 2011:

I love blue cheese, and loved your hub on it. If you ever have an opportunity to have Rogue River Valley blue cheese (Oregon), I suggest you try it. It's out of this world.

NMLady from New Mexico & Arizona on August 21, 2011:

My mouth is watering.

Two interesting things...

First, Our daughter-in-law is from Indonesia and she thinks that eating cheese is gross. They don't eat cheese much there!

Second, we were purchasing some blue cheese from the deli case and the young lady cutting it told us that 'this cheese is spoiled' LOL

Brenda Barnes from America-Broken But Still Beautiful on August 21, 2011:

YUM! My mouth is watering. I love blue/bleu cheese. I am going to pick some up today. You did a great job withthis Hub. And again I say YUM.

andrewwilliams63 on August 21, 2011:

Great hub, Stilton and Gorgonzola all the way!

Ben on August 21, 2011:

My grandpa always has cheese in a glass covered dish at room temperature. He always has an assortment of cheeses, including bleu. Good hub.

Roman Savorec on August 21, 2011:

Interesting hub. To be fair though, you really can't compare Roquefort to any other "blue cheese". Roquefort stands alone, it is in a league apart and should not be thrown in to this blue cheese grouping. All other varieties of blue cheese, although some as you point out can be relatively good, are but pale imitations of Roquefort.

PETER LUMETTA from KENAI, ALAKSA on August 21, 2011:

All my life I loved Blue Cheese, now I know why. Very good HUB great descriptions, Thanks, Peter

chamilj from Sri Lanka on August 21, 2011:

Interesting. Sadly I didn't these Blue Cheese at any of Supper Market in my country.

original010 from Egypt on November 03, 2010:

very nice information, I also like blue cheese and when I was young thought that all are named Roquefort.

maruthirp from Hyderabad on July 03, 2010:

Hi Paige! I never used blue cheese. I dont know how tasty will it be. But your post has brougth so much of taste to blue cheese really. Great tasty hub.

Mindwrencher on July 02, 2010:

Great article. I like the chunky bleu cheese dressings and have been known to add extra. The cheese by itself is a bit strong for me, but I still love it. Thanks for the research and history that went into your article. Very readable, concise, informative, interesting, practical and refreshing. Think I'll visit the kitchen.

ptosis from Arizona on June 28, 2010:

I like Gorgonzola the best, it's tastes better and it's cheaper.

Mix it in with the extra Chunky Blue Cheese fancy salad dressing to make it extra ono.

devsir on June 27, 2010:

Great writing. It is packed well with information about blue chees. The title is appropriate.

coolmompublishing from Georgia on June 26, 2010:

I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely allergic to the whole penicillin family, but I am able to eat blue cheese. I've never eaten terribly huge quantities, but I had it spread on crackers as a snack or appetizer. My guess is that the pharmaceuticall prepared penicillin causes the allergic reaction.

Great read! Very informative. I am a huge fan of cheese, and I'll definitely be sending people to this hub.

Ingenira on June 25, 2010:

very informative and well written. Do write more !

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on June 24, 2010:

Congratulations on your winning Week 1 of the hubalicious contest. I love blue cheese in all its forms. Very informative hub.

Cattleprod Media from Johannesburg on June 24, 2010:

Hmmmm.... now my mouth is watering. Great hub. Thanks.

lilfaerie from Hemet, CA on June 19, 2010:

I love blue cheese! Excellent info thanks! I had no idea that is was dangerous to eat it if you are allergic to penicillin, although so far I have had no trouble. :)

ladylux on June 16, 2010:

Mmmmm.... bleu cheese!

gazzan from Italy on June 15, 2010:

woow great post

Frances_30s from Texas on June 13, 2010:

Blue Cheese has always been a favorite of mine. This was a fun and informative hub to read!

aquaneel on June 12, 2010:

what an excellent hub!??

rebekahELLE from Tampa Bay on June 12, 2010:

what an excellent hub! so through and informative, very well written. I also love the way you laid it out. very nice on the eyes and easy to read. thanks for sharing! and a big congrats on your win!! well deserved. :)

Esther Shamsunder from Bangalore,India on June 11, 2010:

Thanks for a very informative hub. Will definitely try some blue cheese.

And Congrats,Paige! Your very first hub and I am your fan! :)

febriedethan from Indonesia on June 11, 2010:

This is very informative hub about blue cheese, I learn a lot, thank you!!

Jon Green from Frome, Somerset, UK on June 11, 2010:

A great hub, really well written! I'd like to report a breakthrough in the world of blue cheese. St.Agur, which is kind of roquefortesque brought out a spreadable version, but even this is superceded by the new green-foil wrapped Boursin influenced design. It's blue cheese on another level! Try it with pumpkin seed oatcakes.

Holle Abee from Georgia on June 11, 2010:

It took me a while to develop a taste for blue cheese, but now I love it - especially with fruit!

charanjeet kaur from Delhi on June 11, 2010:

Man this is indeed lots of information for me to process. Lol. You have here is one comprehensive hub, I only new cheese as cheese and you opened by an entire new world of blue cheese to me. Never tried any of the blue cheese you mentioned. Will surely look out for them next time I hit the grocery. Congrats and Well deserved.

Les Trois Chenes from Videix, Limousin, South West France on June 11, 2010:

Well done! Lots of great information and easy to read!

Paige Masters (author) on June 10, 2010:

Thanks, all. I appreciate the support.

Marty Chefman on June 10, 2010:

Zis is a vunderful 'ub! A vorthy vinner of ze first veek of ze 'ubbalicious competition!

PDGreenwell from Kentucky on June 10, 2010:

Excellent hub! I love all the blues! Congrats on the win.

Money Glitch from Texas on June 10, 2010:

Congrats,on your win! I love forward to reading more of work. :)

Veronica Allen from Georgia on June 10, 2010:

Congratulations on your win. Now it is time to do a happy dance :)

cosette on June 10, 2010:

congratulations Paige! an excellent hub and you deserved it :)

anglnwu on June 10, 2010:

Congrats and well-deserved.

judydianne from Palm Harbor, FL on June 10, 2010:

A great hub, deserving of the win!

Angela Harris from Around the USA on June 10, 2010:

Wow, what a great hub. No surprise you won! Of the blue cheeses on your list, my favorites are Maytag and Gorgonzola. I know, they're totally different, but that's what my taste buds tell me!

Audrey Kirchner from Washington on June 10, 2010:

Congrats on the win!

Twenty One Days on June 10, 2010:

well done on the win!

Om Paramapoonya on June 10, 2010:

Wow very informative and well-written. Congrats! :)

Betty Reid from Texas on June 10, 2010:

Congratulations on winning a contest with one of your first hubs! Impressive!

Barry Rutherford from Queensland Australia on June 10, 2010:

well done posted to my blog !

Money Glitch from Texas on June 09, 2010:

Good hub on blue cheese; gotta have it on a good salad. Congrats on being selected as one of this week's "Best Hub" nominees. Good luck to you! :)

thomas clarke on June 09, 2010:

great hub very well put together well researched well done.

anglnwu on June 09, 2010:

Very informative hub. I love blue cheese too and now with more knowledge, thanks to you, it makes eating blue cheese more enlightening. Thanks.

Lamme on June 08, 2010:

Blue cheese is wonderful. I had a gorgonzola pasta in Italy that was out of this world! Very informative hub, it was a pleasure to read.

Paige Masters (author) on June 04, 2010:

Thank, Veronica! It must be a drag to be allergic to penicillin, but I'm sure there are ways around it. I'd stay clear of blue cheese then. It is good, super filling and loaded with fat, too!!!

Veronica Allen from Georgia on June 04, 2010:

Who knew blue cheese had such a history! I appreciate the fact that you warned those who are allergic to pennicillin (which I happen to be) to avoid eating this yummy sounding delicacy.

I loved the details you put to this hub - Great job!

Paige Masters (author) on June 03, 2010:

Ha ha, glad to set you straight! Whoda thunk there was so much to know about blue cheese! Thanks for the visit.

Glen from Australia on June 03, 2010:

Before reading this hub the only thing I thought I knew about blue cheese is that it was blue.

Paige Masters (author) on June 03, 2010:

Thanks, cosette! Definitely try these kinds of blue cheese, they are delicious! Thanks for the comment and read.

cosette on June 03, 2010:

wow, this is a very comprehensive (and lovely) hub! good job. i will have to try some.

Paige Masters (author) on June 03, 2010:

Thanks so much, lizmoss! I love and adore it, too. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

lizmoss71 from Orpington, UK on June 03, 2010:

What a very informative hub! I love blue cheese, especially stilton and found this a great read.

How Long Can You Keep Blue Cheese Dressing
