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When Will Arryn Williams Upload Her Video

Aaryn Elizabeth Williams (née Gries) was a houseguest on Big Brother 15.

She was at the center of controversy within and outside of the house due to comments made that were deemed as racist and homophobic, even being read back some of her comments during her eviction interview. Aaryn was also a huge competition threat, winning 4 Head of Household competitions and 1 Power of Veto throughout her time in the game. Despite having a large target on her dorsum for the bulk of the game, Aaryn managed to survive 9 weeks before being evicted by a vote of 5-0. She placed 8th and was the fourth member of the jury.


Retrieved from

Name: Aaryn Gries
Age: 22
Hometown: San Angelo, Texas.
Living: San Marcos, Texas
Occupation: College Student
Marital Status: Single
Three adjectives that describe you: Approachable, driven and spontaneous.
Favorite Activities: Snowboarding, wakeboarding, traveling, working out, Zumba, crafting, decorating, planning events, attending festivals and coming together people.
What do you think will be the virtually difficult function about living inside the "Big Blood brother" house?: Non knowing who is genuine and who isn't, and realizing that my trusting nature could be my downfall.
Strategy for winning "Large Brother": I think I will get into the game with the same mentality I get into life: merely focusing on myself and what I need to practice to make it through, just I'chiliad sure there will be moments of weakness where I 2nd guess myself. I will use my Psychology training as best as I can and try to be strategic.
What are you afraid of? People with evil or absent-minded minds that hurt or deceive others.
What is the accomplishment you lot are most proud of? I am most proud of my power to ascent higher up thwarting and press on with a positive and peaceful mind. I am extremely proud that each solar day, no thing what happens, I practice my best to look at every situation in a positive calorie-free. I tin see my futurity clearly and I'm taking the right steps to achieve my goals.
Finish this sentence: My life's motto is… what you lot think about, you bring nearly.
What would you accept into the house and why? My music, books by Rhonda Byrne, and my true cat, Pumpkin, considering these iii things help my peace of mind.
What would you do if "Big Blood brother" made you famous? I would be entirely grateful for Big Brother putting my dreams on fast-runway, and I would never forget the feel.[1]

Big Brother fifteen

In week i, Aaryn quickly forms a close bail with David Girton, entering into a flirtatious relationship. She too forms close bonds with GinaMarie Zimmerman, Kaitlin Barnaby, and Jeremy McGuire. Aaryn begins targeting Elissa Slater after discovering that she is Rachel Reilly's sis and votes to evict her later that week. Aaryn is shocked, even so, when David is evicted instead of Elissa. Post-obit David'southward eviction, Aaryn competes in the 2d HoH contest, the 'Big Brother BBQ' contest where she is paired with Jeremy. She and Jeremy are crowned winners of the HoH competition and have to determine between themselves who will become the second HoH. Jeremy allows Aaryn to take it, and Aaryn becomes the second HoH.

When told she has to choose four Have-Nots for the week, Aaryn selects Elissa aslope Helen Kim, Candice Stewart, and Andy Herren, believing that they had all voted to adios David. Still targeting Elissa, Aaryn nominates her for eviction alongside Helen, due to Helen being Elissa's closest marry in the house. Aaryn begins to crusade lots of controversy due to several harsh and derogatory comments made by her, notably lots of racist and homophobic remarks. As a result, lots of houseguests brainstorm to turn against her and side with Elissa. Aaryn is left shocked yet over again when Elissa is able to survive eviction for the second time after winning the MVP vote and using it to backdoor Nick Uhas. Shortly after Nick's eviction, Helen wins the third HoH contest. Feeling vengeful against those who voted to proceed Elissa, Aaryn decides to flip the mattress of Candice and Howard Overby, resulting in her arguing with Candice and several other business firm guests.

Aaryn then became nominated for eviction by Helen, alongside her marry Kaitlin. However, they were both designated as pawns with the intention to backdoor Jeremy. The 2 girls went on to survive while Jeremy became eliminated. On week iv, Aaryn has been nominated yet once more when Judd Daugherty wins the HoH, and she ends up condign chosen for eviction alongside her only remaining allies in the game Kaitlin and GinaMarie. Fearing becoming evicted, Aaryn made a deal with Helen that if Helen kept her in the game, so Aaryn will throw the next HOH. Then Aaryn proposed some other arrangement, suggesting that if they kept her in the game, and then Aaryn would put up who Helen and her allies wanted, if she were to win. Helen took her up on the offer, and told her to nominate Howard and Spencer Clawson for eviction. Aaryn accepted this deal, and the house unanimously voted out Kaitlin instead.

Aaryn then went on to win the 5th HoH contest, 'Roulette Me Win'. She agrees to stick to the deal that she had made with Helen and a upshot, Aaryn nominates Howard and Spencer Clawson for eviction. When Spencer wins the PoV, Aaryn nominates Candice in his identify, which Helen and her allies agree to because of Candice'south close links with Howard. Howard is and so evicted. On week 6, Aaryn is kept safe when her best friend in the business firm, GinaMarie, wins the HoH competition. Aaryn votes to adios Candice this week along with the rest of the house. Following Candice'south eviction, information technology is revealed to the HouseGuests that there will be a double eviction that nighttime. Aaryn then becomes HoH, and nominates Jessie Kowalski along with Spencer, believing them to be the biggest targets in the house. When Aaryn wins the PoV also, withal, she is pressured by Helen and Amanda Zuckerman to backdoor Judd. Aaryn goes along with this, and uses the POV on Jessie, putting Judd in her place. Judd is so evicted.

Following Judd's eviction, Amanda allows Aaryn to enter into her alliance with McCrae Olson and Andy, which they proper noun the 3 A.M. alliance. The iii A.M alliance is able to gain ability in calendar week 7 when Andy wins the HOH, and they were successful in getting rid of their main target, Jessie. Following Jessie'south eviction, Aaryn goes on to win the 'Way Off Broadway' HOH competition, making this her fourth HOH win of the series. When the 3.A.M brotherhood discovers that Helen has been attempting to get Amanda evicted, she became the alliance'south main target, and Aaryn nominates her for eviction alongside Elissa. After Elissa wins the POV, Aaryn considers renominating Amanda post-obit a big argument between the two, however, she decided confronting this and nominates Spencer instead. Helen is then evicted.

Post-obit Helen'due south eviction, Elissa wins the next HOH and nominates Aaryn for eviction alongside her ally McCrae, as a result of their ongoing feud throughout the game. Soon after, nonetheless, Elissa regrets this determination, deciding to target Amanda instead after realizing that she has been decision-making the whole game. Elissa and Aaryn and then team up to backdoor Amanda. However, their plan is ruined when Amanda wins the POV and uses it on McCrae. Andy is then renominated in his place. Spencer & Judd (who returned to the game this week) decide to adios Aaryn subsequently entering into an alliance with Andy, and Amanda & McCrae also decide to adios Aaryn having been aligned with Andy longer. GinaMarie voted to evict Aaryn to become along with the residue of the firm, despite her close allegiance to her, due to her entering into an brotherhood with Andy. Aaryn was then evicted in 8th identify by a vote of 5-0, making her the 4th member of the jury. At the Last 2, Aaryn voted for her closest marry GinaMarie to win instead of Andy.

Actor History - Big Brother 15

Contest History

Week 1 HOH Loss
Take/Have-Not Have
POV Non Picked
Week two HOH Win
POV Loss
Week three HOH Previous HOH
Take/Take-Not Accept
POV Loss
Calendar week 4 HOH Loss
Have/Take-Not Have
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Win
Have/Have-Not Win
POV Loss
Calendar week 6 HOH Previous HOH
POV Non Picked
Week 7 HOH Previous HOH
POV Non Picked
Week 8 HOH Win
Have/Have-Non Win
POV Loss
Week nine HOH Previous HOH
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History

Week 1 Take
Calendar week 2 Take
Week 3 Take
Week 4 Have
Week five Have
Week 6 Accept
Week 7 Have-Not
Week eight Have
Calendar week ix Have/Have-Not Phase Over

MVP History

Week 1 Loss
Week 2 Loss
Calendar week 3 Loss
Calendar week 4 Ineligible
Week 5
Week 6
Calendar week 7 MVP Phase Over
Week 8
Calendar week 9

Voting History

Week Position Voted for With Bulk?
1 Elissa Slater No
3 Nominated
4 Nominated
six Candice Stewart Aye
vii Jessie Kowalski Yep
9 Nominated
Finale Jury Member GinaMarie Zimmerman No

HOH History

Original Nominees Postal service-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 2

Elissa Slater


Helen Kim


Jeremy McGuire



Elissa Slater


Helen Kim


Nick Uhas



Elissa Slater


Week five

Howard Overby


Spencer Clawson


Amanda Zuckerman



Candice Stewart


Howard Overby



Amanda Zuckerman



Howard Overby



Spencer Clawson


Calendar week half-dozen
(Twenty-four hours 49)

Jessie Kowalski


Spencer Clawson


Judd Daugherty



Spencer Clawson


Jessie Kowalski


And then

Judd Daugherty


Week 8

Elissa Slater


Helen Kim


Helen Kim



Spencer Clawson


Elissa Slater



Helen Kim


Post Big Brother

  • Aaryn got married in May 2015 to Nick Williams. GinaMarie Zimmerman, Jeremy McGuire, Spencer Clawson and Liza Stinton also attended the reception, with GinaMarie serving every bit a bridesmaid.[ii]
  • Aaryn gave birth to a baby daughter named Skyla in June 2016.[three]
  • Aaryn gave nascency to her second daughter named Adeline in November 2017.
  • Aaryn gave nativity to her tertiary daughter named Reese in Baronial 2019.
  • Aaryn contracted COVID-19 in April, 2020.


  • A petition was created for Aaryn and GinaMarie Zimmerman to be expelled from the house due to racial and homophobic slurs directed towards Andy Herren, Candice Stewart, Helen Kim, and Howard Overby.
    • It was after reported that Aaryn was dropped from two modeling agencies.
  • Aaryn is the fastest Houseguest to win 4 Head of Household competitions, having won 4 out of the showtime 9 HOH competitions. She beat Janelle Pierzina, who merely won four out of the first 10 HOH competitions.
  • Aaryn is the first houseguest to exist booed. She would later exist followed past Amanda Zuckerman and Christine Brecht, and after on in Big Blood brother Canada by Neda Kalantar.
  • Aaryn is tied with Andy Herren and McCrae Olson for the nigh competitions wins in Big Brother 15. They all won five competitions.
  • Aaryn won the virtually competitions out of any female in Big Blood brother xv, with 5 (4 HoHs and i Power of Veto).
  • Aaryn has the lowest place finish with anyone with 3 or more than HOH wins, placing 8th.
    • She also finished in the everyman place for anyone with 5 or more than competition wins in a season.
  • Aaryn and Elissa Slater are the only female houseguests in Big Brother 15 to win both an HOH and a POV at least once.
  • Aaryn was the second houseguest (and only female person) on Big Brother 15 to win HOH and POV in the aforementioned calendar week following McCrae Olson (and later on followed by Andy Herren).
    • She is the first houseguest in Large Brother history to win HOH and POV during a Double Eviction. She would later on be followed past Corey Brooks from Large Brother 18.
  • Aaryn was revealed to be Julie Chen'south least favorite houseguest because of the racist remarks she made, peculiarly those directed towards Helen Kim.
  • She is the third woman in the history of the show to ever win 4 HoHs in a single season post-obit Janelle Pierzina in Large Brother All-Stars and Rachel Reilly in Big Blood brother xiii, and followed past Vanessa Rousso in Large Brother 17.
  • Aaryn was the only houseguest in Big Blood brother fifteen to go from being HOH and end up evicted the following week.


  2. brother-photos-racist/
  3. brother-due south-aaryn-gries-gives-birth-to-a-baby-girl-later on-documenting-her-commitment-on-snapchat
Big Blood brother 15 House Guests
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